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How often are school absences due to asthma? Unfortunately, the answer is: it's very common.
Mar 20
In December, I joined Awair as a key advisor and board member. I first became interested in the company after meeting its founders and hearing about their dedication to studying and improving indoor air quality. While they started the company to improve their children’s lives, their products can help anyone measure indoor air quality in real time. To me, that creates an enormous opportunity to improve people’s lives everywhere.
Mar 9
It’s been a tough year for parents and school kids. Both have endured a historic disruption of the education system, and rapidly shifted to virtual schooling. Many parents set up a place to work from home, whether at the kitchen table, on the couch, or creating an office in an extra room, while also creating space for their children to learn remotely. The kids have not had it easy either and are well aware that they are missing many traditional rites of passage during lockdown, such as proms, sports, and extracurricular activities.
Feb 28
Building health safety has always been important, but it has never received as much public attention as it is getting now. A big part of that attention is focused on indoor air quality (IAQ). People are becoming increasingly aware that ventilation, air filtering, and IAQ are leading factors in measuring the safety of a space, especially for re-entry. In addition, managing building air quality:
Feb 10
Webcor, a commercial construction general contractor with divisions in concrete, drywall, and carpentry, renovated and expanded its company headquarters in San Francisco, an 18,200 square foot, third-floor space.
Feb 2
Investing in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has never been more important or more top-of-mind than than it is in 2021. Over the past year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recognized indoor air quality as a way to evaluate the safety of physical spaces, causing most corporations and individual homeowners to look at IAQ for maybe the first time. The EPA is now also providing guidance about the importance of indoor air quality in schools.
Jan 4
In these pandemic-stricken times, it’s paramount to stay healthy as we prepare for the end of the year. Doing so helps ensure that we can enjoy ourselves and see loved ones safely. One way to stay healthy during the holiday season has always been to ensure your indoor air, whether at home, school, or work, is optimized for health. Now, with the persistence of COVID-19 restrictions, monitoring your indoor environment is even more critical, as is following safety protocols from your local and state governments.
Dec 13
Every year on Thanksgiving we find ourselves in the same pattern: eating much more than we promised we would, then spending the evening fighting the expected wave of fatigue. As we struggle to keep our eyes open, we’re reminded of the common myth that the big meal or turkey dinner is to blame--especially since we’ve been told that turkey contains tryptophan, which is a chemical responsible for making us feel tired.
Nov 25
We know. It's difficult to believe the winter solstice and the holiday season are already here. Unfortunately, the cold season is one of the worst times of year for indoor air quality, either at home or at work. People huddle inside tightly-sealed buildings and trade ventilation for heating. This traps pollutants and moisture in, which is a recipe for bad air.
Nov 18
Awair iOS 14 widgets will specifically give you the ability to add your Awair Score, air factor values, and indexes to your Home Screen or Today View on your iOS device.
Nov 10
This year’s wildfire season is record-breaking. In the US, millions of acres of land and property have burned, with tens of thousands of people evacuated. In early October, the California Fire Department reported more than 15,000 firefighters relentlessly working to contain 22 major wildfires throughout the state.
Oct 21
To better understand the impact unhealthy outdoor air quality has on indoor environments, Awair aggregated data from its indoor air quality (IAQ) monitors during the smoked-filled air days due to fires along the West Coast of the United States.
Sep 28